A Continuing Saga: The Beavers and the Capser Trail Bridge

A Continuing Saga:  The Beavers and the Capser Trail Bridge

This spring islander John Hogan was walking the Capser Trail and found our trail beaver(s?) had been cutting down more trees, and two trees had fallen onto the bridge. John shared two pictures of the damage to the bridge.

A few days later Ken Myhre, President of Madeline Island Trails, who last fall had installed special drainage pipes in the dam built by the beaver(s?), again came to the rescue and cleared some of the backup to allow water to drain. The logs were removed and the bridge repaired. MIWP board member (and trails committee chair) Marnie Myhre shared pictures of Ken at work and the resulting tranquil scene. Many thanks to John, Marnie, Ken and Madeline Island Trails!

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